
WILMA is a beauty. A petite blue brindle lass, coming up for 3 years old, WILMA is very pretty, but at the moment a bit shy and timid of new people. It is common for some of the dogs to be confused and worried when they first arrive in a new kennel situation. Given a few weeks and some nice walks in the woods here at GRF, they almost always come round. She is quite taken with handsome GINGER (and some of the other boys here too!) and will take comfort from a kind and confident canine pal to let her know that the big wide world is not such a scary place after all.

WILMA will be visiting the local park soon and we will get a better measure of her personality then. We will update her profile after her visit.

Give WILMA gradual, positive and gentle introductions to her new life and you will have the satisfaction of seeing a beautiful soul blossom. Your confidence and positivity will be passed on to her.

Please call Celia on 07826 244765 in the first instance to find out about the adoption process.
